Vernon Wins 3rd Straight Playoff Championship


Jack Ceppetelli and his Vernon Orioles have done it again. For the third consecutive year, Vernon has won the GHTBL Playoff Tournament. At Trinity College on Sunday, August 12th, Vernon toppled Rainbow Graphics in the final championship round with two wins: 3-1 and 7-1.  Strong pitching by Seth Sypniak and Matt Purnell overmatched the opposition while a barrage of hits came from the Dan Trubia and Tony Trubia

Earlier this year, Vernon also captured their sixth straight Regular Season title by finishing first in the standings. The franchise has transformed into a veritable dynasty in recent years. Solid defense and tough pitching have greatly contributed to the O’s success. Congratulations to the Vernon Orioles on their superior ball playing and their long run of success!

Many thanks go to our friends at Trinity College for hosting the league, Dan Saccu, our PA Announcer, and to Bill Holowaty, GHTBL President, Andy Baylock GHTBL Vice President, Tom Abbruzzese, Manager, People’s United Bank and Chris Kehoe, GHTBL Treasurer, for organizing and facilitating the playoff tournament.

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