August 20 – GHTBL All-Stars vs. CTL All-Stars

Greater Hartford Twilight Baseball League and Connecticut Twilight League will play a postseason interleague All-Star game at 7 PM on Friday, August 20, 2021.

This year, GHTBL will host the exhibition at Palmer Field on Bernie O’Rourke Drive in Middletown, Connecticut. The 9-inning game will mark the sixth contest between GHTBL and CTL in which GHTBL has remained undefeated.

Aside from several rainouts, both league’s regular seasons are going as planned. After a champions are crowned, managers will decide on all-star selections. These all-star matchups allow each league to showcase many of our best players. Participants, parents and fans are welcomed to attend the exhibition at no charge.

As always, we thank you for your continued support.

We will see you at the ballpark! Free admission!


  1. Your league is the bomb. My wife and I attend quite a few games and live within walking distance of Ceppa Field in Meriden. Quality of play is excellent and their is no distracting music. We get to enjoy the game and the ambiance without having to yell at each other as the music blares.

    Scott Palmer

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